
the blog/wiki/website/homepage/internetpräsenz of Stefan Rinner

Monday, Jan 5, 2004

Director MX 2004, an upgraded version of the multimedia authoring tool that adds support for JavaScript, Flash MX 2004 content, and DVD-Video. und vor allem cross-platforum publishing (also erstellen von mac projektoren am pc und vice versa ...) - achja - und Sprite & Channel naming to speed up and facilitate your workflow. http://www.computerworld.…
bzw. nun auch auf http://www.macromedia.com… - http://www.macromedia.com…
What is the Physical Language Workshop? The PLW is the rebirth of the Aesthetics + Computation Group (ACG), and a return to some of the fundamental concepts of the Visible Language Workshop. Why did the ACG have to go away? Many key artists and designers emerged from the ACG and they continue to influence the digital landscape. I thought, "Why not stop while I was ahead, and try something new." Is there any difference? Yes. The PLW is focused on solving large, as-yet unsolvable problems in the domains of digital expression as related to visual literacy, world economics, and physical spaces. http://plw.media.mit.edu/
erinnert mich auch daran mich endlich mit http://www.proce55ing.net… auseinanderzusetzen